We randomly drew a U.S. Senator or Representative for everyone that donated $15 or more to our ifundwomen.com crowdfunding campaign. We then mailed this postcard thanking them for their service to our country and reminding them to be mindful of women's issues when creating policy since women are underrepresented within our elected officials. If you donated, check for your name below and see who your postcard got mailed to.
Mary Ahern | Frank Pallone - Representative (D) NJ
Heather Ahtone | Steve King - Representative (R) IA
Lisa Jean Allswede | Frederica Wilson - Representative (D) FL
Kate Anderson | Trent Kelly - Representative (R) MS
Robyn Arn | Carol Mille(R) Representative (R) WV
Dominique Arrieta | David B. McKinley - Representative (R) WV
Bad Granny’s Bazaar | Bennie Thompson - Representative (D) MS
Margaretta Baez | Abigail Spanberge(R) Representative (D) VA
Susan Baley | Drew Ferguson - Representative (R) GA
Jaquita Ball | Rick Crawfor(D) Representative (R) AR
Randall Barnes | Conor Lamb - Representative (D) PA
Dimana Bazrbashi | Mike Enzi - Senator (R) WY
J Spencer & Brian Becker | Joe Cunningham - Representative (D) SC
Brian Becker | Barbara Lee - Representative (D) CA
Sandy Bennett | Brett Guthrie - Representative (R) KY
Linda Holman Bentley | Robin Kelly - Representative (D) IL
Richard Kleffman & Kenneth Benton | Jenniffer A. González-Colón - Representative (R) PR
Tracey Bewley | Nanette Barragán - Representative (D) CA
Big Juicy Creative | Liz Cheney - Representative (R) WY
Lissa Blaschke | Brad R. Wenstrup - Representative (R) OH
Retha Blecha | Chrissy Houlahan - Representative (D) PA
Nicole Henry Bondurant | Anthony G. Brown - Representative (D) MD
Andy Braun | Todd Young - Senator (R) IN
Pam Bray | Mark Walke(R) Representative (R) NC
Debbie Brooks | Madeleine Dean - Representative (D) PA
Jacquelyn Brooks | Ben Cline - Representative (R) VA
Dan Brungardt | Adam B. Schiff - Representative (D) CA
Gina Bruno-Dunn | Jamie Raskin - Representative (D) MD
Michelle Bui | Dan Meuse(R) Representative (R) PA
Elizabeth Busey | Bill Posey - Representative (R) FL
Karen Cahn | Larry D. Bucshon M.D. - Representative (R) IN
Laurie Carey | Greg Gianforte - Representative (R) MT
Emily Powell Carpenter | Martin Heinrich - Senator (D) NM
Harriet Choice | Harley Rouda - Representative (D) CA
Sharri Coleman | Fred Upton - Representative (R) MI
Amy Collins | Adriano D. Espaillat Cabral - Representative (D) NY
Catherine Collins | Ben Cardin - Senator (D) MD
Lance Colvin | Mac Thornberry - Representative (R) TX
Sheridan Conrad | Jack Bergman - Representative (R) MI
Erin Cooper | Steven Palazzo - Representative (R) MS
Pat Corley | Kurt Schrade (R) Representative (D) OR
Sarah Cullen | Abby Finkenaue (R) Representative (D) IA
S. Denise Cullen | Andy Harris - Representative (R) MD
Gayle Curry | Eric Swalwell - Representative (D) CA
Cindy | Pete Stauber - Representative (R) MN
Camille Daniels | Betty McCollum - Representative (D) MN
Greg Daniels | Al Lawson Jr. - Representative (D) FL
Debbie DePoyster | Angie Craig - Representative (D) MN
Virmarie DePoyster | Bob Menendez - Senator (D) NJ
Jane Waggoner Deschner | Austin Scott - Representative (R) GA
Natalee Dobbs | Rob Bishop - Representative (R) UT
Patricia F Dolton | Gil Cisneros - Representative (D) CA
Christy Duane | Marcy Kaptur Representative (D) OH
Sarah Dumas | James R Come(R) Representative (R) KY
Emily Duncan | Tina Smith - Senator (D) MN
Meredith Dycus | Adam Smith - Representative (D) WA
Anna Dykema | Scott Peters - Representative (D) CA
Lindsey DNA Galleries | Randy Webe(R) Representative (R) TX
Susan Elder | Gwen Moore - Representative (D) WI
Denise Green Elias | Maria Cantwell - Senator (D) WA
Gina Elis | Ron Kin(D) Representative (D) WI
Alana Embry | Derek Kilme - Representative (D) WA
Mrs. Febs | Jenniffer A. González-Colón - Representative (R) PR
Kathy Ferguson | Duncan D. Hunte - Representative (R) CA
Audrey Fitzsimmons | Joni Ernst - Senator (R) IA
Titi Fitzsimmons | Elissa Slotkin - Representative (D) MI
Catherine Forsch | Steve Womack - Representative (R) AR
Mildred Franco | Jared Huffman - Representative (D) CA
Raquel Frazier | Walter B. Jones Jr. - Representative (R) NC
Victoria Fuller | Anthony Gonzalez - Representative (R) OH
Barbara Gallivan | Paul Cook - Representative (R) CA
Helio Fred Garcia | Debbie Lesko - Representative (R) AZ
C. Garner | Doug Lamborn - Representative (R) CO
Bobbie Gaspard | Steven Horsfor(D) Representative (D) NV
Elizabeth Gaspard | Edward J. Markey - Senator (D) MA
S. Gentry | Charlie Crist Jr. - Representative (D) FL
Irmgard Geul | John Boozman - Senator (R) AR
Sarinda Gibson | Ron Wyden - Senator (D) OR
Matt Goad | John Yarmuth - Representative (D) KY
Kathi Goebel | David Trone - Representative (D) MD
Janice Mathews Gordon | Vincente Gonzalez - Representative (D) TX
Sergio Gomez | Emanuel Cleaver II - Representative (D) MO
Laura Grantham | Ted Deutch - Representative (D) FL
Jann Greenland | Dianne Feinstein - Senator (D) CA
Nils Guldberg | Bill Johnson - Representative (R) OH
Savannah Schroll Guz | Mike Gallagher - Representative (R) WI
Nancy Haley | Eddie Bernice Johnson - Representative (D) TX
Truman Hall | Max Rose - Representative (D) NY
Diane Harper | Ken Calvert - Representative (R) CA
Dawn Harth | Mike Rogers - Representative (R) AL
Stephanie Hartshorn | Susan Wild - Representative (D) PA
Maureen Harvey | Rick Scott - Senator (R) FL
Kasey Henry | Jon Tester - Senator (D) MT
Lana Henson | John Henry Rutherford - Representative (R) FL
Jonathan Hils | Gregory Joseph Pence - Representative (R) IN
Lynn Hoffman | Rosa DeLauro - Representative (D) CT
Will Hogg | Katie Hill - Representative (D) CA
Cindy Holmes | Mark A. Takano - Representative (D) CA
Jeanette Hosek | Jim McGovern - Representative (D) MA
April Hughes | Doug Jones - Senator (D) AL
Elena Hughes | Mike Kelly - Representative (R) PA
Vicki Hunt | Garret Graves - Representative (R) LA
Patti Flanagan Hurst | Katie Porter - Representative (D) CA
Hannah Hutch | Adrian Smith - Representative (R) NE
Amy Janes | Chris Collins - Representative (R) NY
Kristin Johnson | James Sensenbrenner - Representative (R) WI
Kathi | Sharice Davids - Representative (D) KS
Kaye | Markwayne Mullin - Representative (R) OK
Claudia Kamas | Alcee L. Hastings - Representative (D) FL
Kelsey Karper | Richard Blumenthal - Senator (D) CT
Amanda Kern | Sam Graves - Representative (R) MO
Mary Ketch | Cindy Axne - Representative (D) IA
Sara L Kiely | Andy Kim - Representative (D) NJ
Robbie Kienzle | Joe Neguse - Representative (D) CO
Barbara Knowles-Pinches | Jeff Merkley - Senator (D) OR
Trina Kopacka | Tulsi Gabbar(D) Representative (D) HI
Bernadette Krawczyk | Dan Kildee - Representative (D) MI
Cynthia Kresse | Darren M. Soto - Representative (D) FL
Joan L | Bobby Rush - Representative (D) IL
Janelle LaFrentz | Martha McSally - Senator (R) AZ
Darin LaHood | Emily Wood - Representative (R) IL
Danielle La Paglia | Haley Stevens - Representative (D) MI
Lora Lee Laird | Frank D. Lucas – Representative (R) OK
Noe Lee | Mark Meadows - Representative (R) NC
Stefanie Leland | Susie Lee - Representative (D) NV
Paul Leopoulos | Roger Williams - Representative (R) TX
Jacqueline Lightcap | Michael Cloud - Representative (R) TX
Ember Lively | Albio Sires - Representative (D) NJ
Klaire Lockheart | Tom Graves - Representative (R) GA
Gloria Long | Mark Green M.D. - Representative (R) TN
TaLisa Lopez - Garcia | John Garamendi - Representative (D) CA
Kerri Loyd | Christopher C. Pappas - Representative (D) NH
Josh Lunsford | Lisa Murkowski - Senator (R) AK
Mara Malcolm | James M Inhofe - Senator (R) OK
Carmen Mariscal | Devin Nunes - Representative (R) CA
Raleigh Mayer | Glen “G.T.” Thompson - Representative (R) PA
April Mays | Phil Roe - Representative (R) TN
Nicole McAfee | Johnny Isakson - Representative (R) GA
Sallie & Larry McBrier | Nita Lowey - Representative (D) NY
Ann McDermott | Lori Trahan - Representative (D) MA
Liz McGuinnes | Eleanor Holmes Norton - Congressional Delegate (D) DC
Andrea McMillan | Doug LaMalfa - Representative (R) CA
Paul Medina | Rob Woodall - Representative (R) GA
Gwen Meharg | Scott Eugene DesJarlais - Representative (R) TN
Bronwyn Merritt | David Schweikert - Representative (R) AZ
Carolyn Messick | Danny Davis - Representative (D) IL
Robert Mills | Jim Baird - Representative (R) IN
Michelle Moeller | Brenda Lawrence - Representative (D) MI
Chelle Moore | Ann Kirkpatrick - Representative (D) AZ
Michelle Gunter Moore | Donna E. Shalala - Representative (D) FL
Lea and Mike Morgan | Collin Peterson - Representative (D) MN
Zahira Lieneke Mous | Stephanie Murphy - Representative (D) FL
Christina Mum-Ladd | Jimmy Panetta - Representative (D) CA
Lawrence Naff | Lois J. Frankel - Representative (D) FL
Diana L Nashban | Joseph D. Morelle - Representative (D) NY
Jane Nelson | Maxine Waters - Representative (D) CA
Tammy Ness | Ted Budd - Representative (R) NC
Randy Nichols | Tom Reed II - Representative (R) NY
Colleen Nickell | Xochitl Torres Small - Representative (D) NM
Alan Novey | Elise Stefanik - Representative (R) NY
Angela Novey | Jamie Herrera Beutler - Representative (R) WA
Kelly O’Brien | Jason A Crow - Representative (D) CO
Molly O’Conor | Mark R. Warner - Senator (D) VA
Lori Oden | Rick Allen - Representative (R) GA
Oil Painter Annie | Sean P Duffy - Representative (R) WI
Okie Voter | Katherine M Clark - Representative (D) MA
Katie O’Sullivan | Raúl Grijalva - Representative (D) AZ
Romy Owens | Chuck Fleischmann - Representative (R) TN
Christie Owen | Jennifer Wexton - Representative (D) VA
Keri Parks | Richard Neal - Representative (D) MA
Katherine Pauley | Mike Simpson - Representative (R) ID
Paulie | Marcia Fudge - Representative (D) OH
Carolyn Heijn Peth | Michael McCaul - Representative (R) TX
Caroline Phinney | Donald J Bacon - Representative (R) NE
Larry Dean Pickering | Susan Davis - Representative (D) CA
Alexis Platt | Elaine Luria - Representative (D) VA
Margaret Plofchan | Sheldon Whitehouse - Senator (D) RI
Cacky Poarch | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Representative (D) NY
Nicole Poole | Rob Portman - Senator (R) OH
Laura Pons | John M Shimkus - Representative (R) IL
Marissa Raglin | Sherrod Brown - Senator (D) OH
Carin Reich | Virginia Foxx - Representative (R) NC
Kathy Reynolds | Kilili Sablan - Congressional Delegate (D) MP
Elizabeth Richards | Warren Davidson - Representative (R) OH
Carol Robinson | Rick Larsen - Representative (D) WA
Lynne Rostochil | Dick Durbin - Senator (D) IL
Terri Sadler | Kendra Horn - Representative (D) OK
Robert Odell Paul Saladin | Salud Carbajal - Representative (D) CA
Lin Sanchez | Troy Balderson - Representative (R) OH
Barbara Satterfield | Ralph Abraham - Representative (R) LA
Amy Saxon | John A. Barrasso M.D. (R) WY
Jennifer Scanlan | Sean Casten - Representative (D) IL
Lu Ann Faulkner-Schneider | Mikie Sherrill - Representative (D) NY
Dawn Scibila | Grace Meng - Representative (D) NY
Julie Scott | Pat Roberts - Senator (R) KS
Amy Seagraves | Al Green - Representative (D) TX
Amy Anderson Sergent | Ron Wright - Representative (R) TX
Erin Shaw | Steven Chabot - Representative (R) OH
Susan Shaw | Elijah Cummings - Representative (D) MD
Rebecca Siemering | Mike Bost - Representative (R) IL
Matthew Simpson | Chris Coons - Senator (D) DE
Gail Sloop | Pete Olson - Representative (R) TX
Alyson Stanfield | Greg Steube - Representative (R) FL
Kari Hirst Starkey | Jeff Van Drew - Representative (D) NJ
Abby Stiglets | Hank Johnson Jr. - Representative (D) GA
Chris Stinchcomb | Colin Allred - Representative (D) TX
Alice Gray Stites | John Thune - Representative (R) SD
Archie Stone | Kirsten E. Gillibrand - Senator (D) NY
Sheridan | Tom McClintock - Representative (R) CA
Holly Tilley | Elizabeth Warren - Senator (D) MA
Linda Tillotson | Jared Golden - Representative (D) ME
Jody Veit-Edrington | Chuck Grassley - Senator (R) IA
David Wanzer | Gerry Connolly - Representative (D) VA
Terry Ward | Joe Kennedy III - Representative (D) MA
Kenny & Jerilyn Wasson | Mo Brooks - Representative (R) AL
Naomi Watkins | Deb Haaland - Representative (D) NM
Amy Welborn | Andy Biggs - Representative (R) AZ
Noelle Lorraine Williams | Ron Johnson - Senator (R) WI
Lee Angelina Winfield | Jerry McNerney - Representative (D) CA
Amy Young | Lloyd Doggett - Representative (D) TX