23rd State to Ratify | Kentucky | Linda Erzinger, Artist
Her Flag Artist, Linda Erzinger
The Kentucky stripe includes photos of found object assemblages created by the artist.
Detail shots of a rose created from unused, expired medical tubes filled with plastic, fabric, and wax paper from feminine hygiene products create a back ground. This visual field of larger dots resembles the circles on an election ballot and reflects the collective power of women. The female Venus symbol highlighted in a three-dimensional collage repeats through the stripe as if marching. It contains parts from hair curlers, party beads, fabric, vintage rickrack and more waxed paper encased in translucent plastic.
The center words “Women Vote” is a statement of affirmation of our rights as well as a call to action. The words “Elect Women Now” point to the next step in the process of women’s liberation. Let’s continue to progress together.