20th State to Ratify | North Dakota | Darby Ness, Artist
Her Flag Artist, Darby Ness
Beulah Amidon was born in Fargo, North Dakota. She began her career working as a press secretary for the National Women’s Party (NWP), a writer for the Committee on Public Information, and a writer for the Non-Partisan League.
Beulah was known as the “Prettiest Pickett” among the women. On August 15th 1917 in Washington, DC, sailors and soldiers in uniform engaged in mob violence during the picketing events. Amidon stated “It does not seem possible that it is ‘free America’ where the police refuse to protect you and your property from the assaults of hoodlums.” NWP reported that 49 NWP flags were destroyed and five women were injured, including Beulah, who was also arrested the same day. For my stripe, I wanted to commemorate Beulah’s dedication to the suffrage movement. I also wanted to commemorate my stripe to everyday women, even though they may have not been on the front lines of the Suffrage Movement, the 19th Amendment gave them a voice in the political sphere that they did not previously have.