26th State to Ratify | Indiana | Bonnie Fillenwarth, Artist
Her Flag Artist, Bonnie Fillenwarth
For my stripe I decided to highlight a few of suffragist Hoosiers.
May Wright Sewall was the principal of the Girls Classical School that she founded. She was a member of many women clubs that fought for women rights. She was involved with founding the Indianapolis Propylaeum, the Art Association of Indianapolis (Indianapolis Museum of Art), and the John Herron Institute (Herron School of Art and Design).
Ida Husted Harper helped write several volumes of The History of the Women’s Suffrage Movement with Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Helen Gouger was a lawyer and one of the first women to argue in front of the Indiana Supreme Court. She argued on her own behalf appealing her denial to vote in the 1894 election.
Zerelda Wallace was the First Lady to Indiana’s sixth governor. She was involved both suffrage and temperance organizations.
Mary Ritter Bead was one of the first female historians. Several of her books focus on history through woman’s perspective. She joined Alice Paul’s National Women’s Party and became an editor for their paper The Suffragist.
Grace Julian Clark was an author and journalist for the Indianapolis Star. She was a member of many women’s clubs.